Three and a half...four hours by car to reach one of the World's Wonders. 170km east from Hanoi. We got a crash course on how the Vietnamese drive. You overtake on the left. Even if the lane is not empty. You just have to do it slowly. Those who come from the other direction will adjust to your behaviour. You can overtake on the right too, always slowly, if for example another car is already overtaking on the left. You don't stop at crossroads. You slow down and you go in the direction you want to go. The others will manage to avoid hitting you. You always have to honk or there's the chance other people won't hear you coming.
cavolo sembra quasi di essere in quel di Catania.. la differenza sussiste solo nella velocita.. hi..hi.. cmq non si parla mai di meteo.. qui non è decisamente invidiabile.. freddo freddo e.. vento vento
RispondiEliminaanch'io ho pensato alla sicilia, in particolare per il continuo suonare di clacson!! io non avrei coraggio di sono una fifona!!!
RispondiEliminaPraticamente " La legge del più forte!!"
RispondiEliminao del piu incoscente.... hi..hi..