March 24 2011 - Ba Ria (108km of 1873km)

We leve the ocean with a last sunrise bath.

We cross the village of La Gi and from the beach we go into a labyrinth of narrow paths that run through it.

At every turn we ask for directions with hand signs.

Unexpected messages left on the road.

Suddenly there's a new smell. Seems like bananas but we're not sure. We try to understand how long it would take to get a taste of them. Then we sit and wait.

They're so good when piping hot.
(PS: they were really bananas. A wild kind and with many seeds, never seen them before).

1 commento:

  1. Però non hai scritto cosa sono, e adesso devo aspettare il vostro ritorno per sapere cos'è?? .....e la cuoca dove ha lasciato i denti?? ;-)
